Hendrik Fischer
About me

Work Experience
6 month research stay in association with the IRTG 2657.
PhD thesis:
Proper orthogonal decomposition and model order reduction for multiphysics problems such as fluid-structure interaction, porous media
Student Assistant
- Tutor “Modeling, Simulation and Optimization” at the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory.
- Project “Design and Analysis of Wave Energy Converter” at the Institute of Mechanics and Ocean Engineering on the development of a finite volume method.
- Project “Ditching of Aircraft” at the Institute for Fluid Dynamics and Ship Theory.
- Tutor “Numerical Mathematics I” at the Institute of Mathematics.
- Tutor “StartING@TUHH” at the Student Counseling Center.
PhD thesis:
Proper orthogonal decomposition and model order reduction for multiphysics problems such as fluid-structure interaction, porous media
Master’s thesis:
Model Reduction using Incremental Decomposition Techniques to support Unsteady Adjoint-Based Fluid Dynamic Shape Optimization.
Bachelor’s thesis:
Analysis of the Interaction of Weakly Nonlinear Water Waves
German Abitur with specialization in natural sciences, especially biology.

GAMM Student Chapter
Member of the GAMM (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik) student chapter of the Leibniz University Hannover.

Squad leader and breathing apparatus carrier at the FF Langelohe (Volunteer Fire Brigade). Member since the youth fire brigade.